Breakfast- quesadilla
Lunch- quesadilla
Dinner- quesadilla
I started my day by hitting the local Del Taco for a breakfast quesadilla. Then I ran to the store to get lunch and found . . . well. . . a frozen quesadilla and some quaker quacks for my all day snack. I had a few different things planned for dinner actually tonight. Quiznos, or Qdobas. I haven't actually been to either place, but every time I have passed them lately I think- perfect for Q day! Well. . . being that tomorrow is my last day before Christmas break (yay!) there was MUCH to do tonight. I was running from store to store picking up stickers for parents' presents, goodies for our ice cream cone Christmas tree project, and I couldn't forget the grocery store for something to eat for tomorrow's R day! I still had the dollar store to hit, and I was getting somewhat hungry and though I have passed both places to eat at least a dozen times since this "diet" has started, I couldn't remember where either of them are actually located. I had some ideas. . . but I didn't want to be driving around all night when I had plenty of other stuff to do. Besides- I had a convo with Bonnie this morning who mentioned that Quiznos is overpriced and not very good. And I honestly don't even know what they serve at Qdobas! So I pulled into Del Taco for their dinner quesadilla instead since it was right on the way to where I was going. * On a side note- the drive thru lady at 6:30 at night was the SAME drive thru woman as 7 am this morning. "Weren't you here this morning?" she asked. Yes. . . now I am the crazy girl that eats at Del Taco for every meal of her day! Better avoid that place for a while! * And better yet. . . Bonnie chose to go to Quiznos anyway where it turns out they are not that overpriced, and it was quite delicious! Go figure!
After all my errands were done, I went to this Christmas "magical forest" with my friend Ammon.
There were different Christmas things to look at and to get your picture with.
There were different Christmas things to look at and to get your picture with.
Then we walked through a pathway of trees. People and businesses could donate money to decorate one of the trees. Ammon's sister and brother in law own a website business so they decorated a tree. Their business is called Orange Geeks (or something like that) so they decorated with oranges. And we found it. . . which was kind of fun. I liked the one made by the Station Casinos too. I think Ammon thought it was weird that I liked it. . . but I thought the big dice in the tree looked cool! :)
On my drive home, what should I pass? Qdobas. . . less then a mile from my house! Just my luck!
THat is funny that the same lady was still working. Don't ever get a job there! Those are some long hours. Our christmas break doesn't start until next week! Awful. We always leave early though and they always tell us that the days she misses aren't excused. Have a great Christmas break! Love Debi
I like Quiznos... sometimes different franchises aren't as good as another. But when Bonnie changed her mind (or maybe she just mixed it up with something else- maybe Qdobas- I bet Mexican food)- I thought, okay, that is how I feel about the place, too. but I love quesadillas- I would have loved those for all my meals and I feel sorry for the lady who worked there all day- she probably thought you were pregnant and had cravings. Love, Aunt Gail
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