On Saturday morning I went to work to watch some silly videos I had to get done before Wednesday. I couldn't view them from home and they were supposed to take approximately 4 hours to complete, so Saturday was the only real possible time to do this. I got those done, and then, because I was already there anyway, I decided to stick around to get a few more things accomplished. When finished, my friend Nephi and I decided to meet up for lunch and do a few "Saturday" errands together since he lives real close to my work. So we dropped my car off at a nearby Jiffy Lube. Nephi asked the guy if we had time to run a few errands while the car was being done, which I thought was kind of silly of him because I often leave my car while it's getting it's oil changed anyway. The man said it was fine so we hopped in Nephi's car and headed out on our first errand. After finishing that, we got back in his car and I noticed the clock said 5:15 pm. I kind of start panicking because I realized that car places don't typically stay open that late, especially on a Saturday. Nephi assured me that it would be fine because it was already 4:45 pm when we left (that's why he had asked the guy if we had time- I on the other time didn't realize it was so late already!) and the guy had said yes, "if they were anywhere near closing, he would have told us that Shawna, and besides he has my phone number"....Nephi had no worries....
Well I'm sure we can see where this is all leading. . . sure enough we arrived to a closed and locked up Jiffy Lube with the poor little blue bug trapped inside, car keys/house keys and everything. My only roommate and I are not exactly chummy and upon contacting her, she told me that she wouldn't be home until late in the evening. I will admit. . . I was super annoyed and pretty upset by the whole situation at first. . . but after calming down just a bit, I realized the humor in it all and that life was surely not coming to an end, it's not like I was stranded or anything. Nephi told me that we'd rent a few movies, get some dinner, have a "like we were kids, back in the day" slumber party, and could be back for my car first thing in the morning.
But that is not where our exciting night concludes. We got three movies from redbox... watched the first. . . then headed off (running a little late in meeting a friend of his- I might add) for a late dinner. Coming to a desolate little stop sign in his very not so busy neighborhood, Nephi sadly chose to not make a COMPLETE stop before making our right hand turn and was promptly pulled over by a good old LV policeman. Haven't seen one of them for a few months! As the police headed towards our car, my eventful conversation with Nephi began. . .
You might have to drive after this Shawna. My license has been expired....
The policeman comes, asks for the license, registration, and insurance and as he heads back to his car to run the information he asks Nephi if he has any citations on him already. "Haha. . . Not that I know of! I get my fair share of these.... but it's been awhile!"
After the policeman is out of earshot, Nephi immediately begins digging out his wallet. "Here is my debit card. . . pin number XXXX" I of course. . . .am confused....
"There is a possibility I might be going to jail Shawna. I am driving on an expired license, have no proof of insurance on me, and just might happen to have an unpaid ticket already out on me. Jail is a definite possibility for me and you will be needing THAT debit card, to come get me out.
This is where my second panic attack of the evening begins. . . What are you talking about? I don't know how to bail someone out from jail! I don't even know who I would call! Do I go to the jail???
Thinking back to this memorable evening. . . I do find it would be quite humorous to witness the next few chaotic events from an outsiders perspective. Nephi is chucking credit cards at me and I'm typing numbers into my phone of friend's of his I could call to help me out. He is very calmly giving me instructions on what I am to do while I sit in a daze wondering who in the world this friend of mine really is?
Well sadly. . . but not so sadly. . . the story really ends there. Nobody was hauled off to jail and no phone calls had to be made.
Nephi did get a laugh out of the cop when he tried to give him a handwritten "I O U one insurance card" ticket.
I was astonished with how calm he remained through out the whole situation and how different the two of us really truly are when he commented as we drove away. . .
" Well, I'm glad I didn't go to jail. . . I would have been cold in just my shorts and tshirt."