Things are so busy right now that I don't even feel I have time to sit down and write this post, but I just barely got home from work and I have so much stuff to do that I brought home, I figured a break from that kind of stuff was well deserved.
So shall I just jump right in from where we left off?
Last Tuesday was my official first day on contract for my new job. I spent the day moving all of my stuff into my classroom, and from past posts we all should know by now, that it is A LOT of stuff! Not to mention the school is a good 25 minute drive from my house so it was kind of a long process. Near the end of the day I got my pal Randi's brother BJ to move the last of the stuff over with me because he has a big humongo truck. . . something that I am thinking I should invest in with all this moving going on, but for now, it is just nice to have friends that can do it for me instead. :)
On Wednesday I spent the day there just trying to set everything up and put things where they belonged. This was kind of a hard task because a lot of the furniture for the room hadn't arrived yet so I didn't really have places to put things anyway. But I hung up some bulletin boards and just tried to clear out some of the clutter.
On Thursday I went to the school for half of the day to do the same thing, but then had to go down to the district office to sign my contract. YAY! But this we know from past posts as well, that going to the district office can be a heinous experience as well because it is in such a horrid location.
But I got it all taken care of, yahoo and showed up on Friday morning at school to try to get some planning done so I could be ready for Monday, the first day! But the good ole principal had different plans for that day which included starting my class. . . and he decided to share it with me just that morning. In fact, he didnt really personally tell me either, he just kind of announced it at the morning faculty meeting, as if it was just common knowledge or something! Luckily, he wanted me to take the kids after lunch, so I had til 1230 to finish organizing a bit and to come up with some kind of fun activity to start our school year off with. The day went surprisingly well. It is a way cute little second grade class. 17 kids in all. Some of them definitely have some spunk in them, but I really think it will be a fun year. That night I went home feeling pretty beat, however, I ended up going bowling with a friend and smoked his bum in all 3 games that we played. . . with my last score being. . . wait for it. . . 178 points! I was on fire I tell ya! Guess I wasn't so beat afterall. . . I really think that might be my personal record!
So yeah. . . Saturday I went to work for most the day, then went to a bonfire thing in the pm- late into the pm!
On Sunday after church I went and signed the lease for the new house I am going to be living in! Yay! I am very excited. . .I already got the key and everything but I am not too sure when I am going to find time to do the actual moving. . . but its a cute house, fun girls, I am excited. More on this topic (with pics hopefully) is sure to come. After that I went to game night at my friend Becky's house. Becky moved here right after I did, but cuz of a couple reasons, is sadly moving back to Provo. :( This was kind of a last hurrah with her I guess. Most of the night was way fun. I enjoyed myself quite immensely. A group of us played one of my favorite games "It came to Pass," yes- the terminology is religious, but the game itself is not. :) And some of the people I played with were just not my favorite people and this one STUPID boy even made fun of me. . .agh! But then he was doing so freakin crummy after like three rounds, he quit and left- YAY and then it was a joyous occasion once again. It made me miss my Utah friends way much though. . . so sad. We used to get together and play this game through all hours of the night and Brienne and Ryan would create "team unstoppable" haha. . . or when me and Molly would cheat by jabbing each other under the table til people figured it out and wouldnt let us sit together anymore. . . awww good times that I miss. :( Anywhoo. . . I ended up getting home too late (for the 3rd night in a row) and still had to stay up late to finish some stuff up.
Monday I started work and it went just smashing. Good little buggers, they will be fun and I am excited to be where I am at. The school is so unbelievably cute. it is two stories high and the work room has seriously like every color butcher paper you can imagine! (ok. . . that might not seem great- but pretty much. . . a teachers dream :) The other teachers are way nice and helpful and it has just been a really good first week. Yeah. . . crazy to think that just this time last week I had barely moved everything in! The actual teaching part has been pretty good. It has been quite the challenge to get things going in the classroom. They are all so used to doing things differently because they came from 8 different teachers classes! But we are working things out and it should be smooth sailing pretty soon.
Anywho. . . I really must scamper off. No worries. . . I will hopefully be back shortly. :)