Last Sunday, yeah, we did this on Sunday, a few friends of mine got together to do a little TP-ing. I havent done this in years but frankly it made me very happy. It was very very windy that night, we had lots and lots of toilet paper for just one house, so basically they definitely got it. Luckily I had my camera in my purse at the time so I was able to catch a quick photo before we rang the doorbell and scampered out of there! Yay!
This weekend I got to come home to California once again! Because life in my new house is definitely not up to par yet, a few random days off of work definitely made good timing. So I drove home Friday night and hung out with Bonnie and the kids that night. On Saturday, I did some shopping, spent more money than I should have (don't tell Molly!) and conked out pretty early at the end of the day. Me and Mom had stayed up late chatting the night before and Bon woke me up early to go running (6 miles again) so by the end of Saturday I was basically exhausted. I have been pulling some late nights lately and I think they finally caught up to me.
Sunday (today) was the kids primary program. I got to Bonnie's house a little early to get Aubrey's hair cutified, and we snapped a few pictures while we were there. The first picture is funny because Bonnie claims to hate her puppy Little Wolf, but she does the silliest things for that pup. Like before locking him in the kitchen before we left, she dragged his favorite chair in their so he wouldnt be too sad. Isnt she so sweet to the little thing?
The kids did SO well in the program today! Aubrey is quite the little speaker. She talked slowly and clearly and just did a great job. She had kind of a solo, speaking part of a song, but I didnt have my camera ready because I didnt know when it was at and by the time I got it on, it just didnt turn out to be the best video. She was so adorable though and soon I will get a video of her on this here blog as well.
Cayden had a solo singing part. I know Molly posted a video of him a few days ago but I just couldnt pass up posting my video of him as well. He was so cute and he did a fabulous job. I know we are not technically supposed to probably film this, but how can you pass up filming a kid's first solo??
I have been bowling kind of frequently lately. The first few times I have been dominating EVERYONE, but just this past week I was finally beaten by a friend three games in a row! He said it was about time I learn some humility because I had been awfully boastful. So today I came home and did a little wii bowling to try to improve my skills for the next big competition I face. What do ya know. . . I got like a record score of 224! Holy smokes! Definitely had to get that score on film just in case you didnt believe me!
Anywhoo. . . that is about half of my California trip so far. I have tomorrow and Tuesday off of work for Veterans Day so I am leaving sometime on Tuesday. Lots of work to do here first though-- eek! Because I dont know when I will get internet (hopefully soon) I am not sure when my next post will be. . . so till then. . .
1 comment:
You are home again so should have some picts to make a new post :) Happy Thanksgiving!! I am hiding upstairs and you are snooping at great grandpas. . .soon to be married great grandpa! haha! Want to go to the wedding?? Just kidding. . . so now I am using this comment block to just make random silly comments about nothing pertaining to your blog! Sorry sis!! Love you
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