Usually when I am speeding around town in my little car, I am well aware that I am doing it, yet I do it anyway. Last night was a different story however. I was out and about shopping, not really sure where I was at, or where I was going when all of a sudden, there are those dang lights behind me!
Was I speeding? I have no idea what the speed limit is nor do I have any idea how fast I was even going. Maybe I ran a stop sign, considering it was dark and I really didn't know where I was at (I had my little Thomas Brothers Guide sitting on my next seat at the time). The conversation with the police officer was a bit silly, so I will replay it the best I can:
Police Officer: You were going 49 in a 35 speed zone (not THAT horrible) License, registration, and insurance.
Shawna: searches like crazy for them- hands them over (maybe I should start keeping them in a more convenient location if this is going to be typical?)
P.O. What's your current address and how long have you been there? Writes it, takes em, walks away
P.O. (upon returning) Why don't you have a Nevada License yet??
S. Haven't gotten around to getting it yet sir.
P.O. Have you been drinking tonight?
S. No
P.O. No??
S. Nope
P.O. No alcohol?
S. No sir
P.O. Where are you coming from?
S. Just doing some shopping
P.O. I said WHERE are you coming from???
S. (I had been driving around lost for a while, I couldn't even remember...) Green Valley Shopping Center?? (That is definitely not the name for it)
P.O. Walks back to his bike
P.O. (Upon returning) I am citing you for three things, out of state registration, out of state license because this state is so stupid and we can ticket you if you don't have these things just 30 days after moving here, and speeding.
(Ok he really didn't say that middle part, those are just my beliefs)
P.O. Where are you looking for? (I think he just noticed my map)
S. I don't really know. . .
P.O. What are you doing here?
S. Uhhhhh???
P.O. I mean here in Las Vegas
S. Oh. . . teaching
P.O. What grade?
S. 2nd sir
P.O. ::sigh:: You are killing me
S. You asked
P.O. ::another sigh:: Rip up your ticket, I will not write you up for speeding, just the registration and license which you need to take care of. Once you do that, appear in court on your assigned day and the judge should just take it off with just a small court fine.
S. Thank you (YAHOO! Is what I felt!)
P.O Do you know what this speeding ticket would have cost you?
S. Nope
P.O. About $300 (eeek!)
S. Thank you.
P.O. PLEASE stop speeding
S. I will :)
I am a bit annoyed with myself because the last one (like two months ago) I had to appear at the courthouse as well because I didn't have proof on insurance on me. With that experience, I swore I would never do that again. So this time I had everything I needed, but no luck still. Now I have to find time to go to the crazy DMV and get all that stuff taken care of.
Why I really haven't gotten it done? I registered my car in June, when I moved in August I felt it very unfair to have to pay all that money again. . . so I was hoping to just go without. And the license. . .still CA with my picture from when I was 16 on it. Bout time I got a new one. . . but once again. .. not up til 2011, why would I go do that? DMV is at least open on Saturdays (beastly) but my court date is for a Friday the 13th in February, what can be worse than that??
So did he have a second grader? and di you really say "you asked" after he said "youre killing me??" Friday the 13th HAHA!! STOP SPEEDING SISTER - hopefully lesson learned :)
Sounds like a fun experience. Down here in SD there are attorneys who charge like $100 to handle your ticket and you only pay them the $100 if they win. If they lose, you pay nothing at all to them at all, so you're no worse off. PLUS, they're the ones going to court for you so you don't have to miss any time off work. I'd look for someone like that in Vegas if I were you. Maybe on craigslist in the legal services section?
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