I arrived in California last sunday just in time for Father's Day. We had a nice day together and we love our dad (grandpa) so very much and are so grateful for all he does for our family! We are so lucky to have him. :)
Last summer with the kids went so well, but this year I wanted it to be even better. So I have been planning out our weekly schedules, trying to think of new things to do this year that will keep us busy. So far we have a nice little schedule going that may just need a little tweaking here and there. We start our week with "Legoland Monday" and both Tuesday and Wednesday are "Free Movie day Tuesday (or Wednesday)." We wanted to squeeze free bowling into Wednesdays to have "Free bowling and Movie Wednesday" but that is one activity still in the "tweaking" stages. Mom has the day off on Thursdays so we decided to do "Beach Thursdays" and on Fridays we will have "Free Day Fridays." That's where we can squeeze in any fun extra activity. Bonnie also wants us throwing in an hour of reading, a page from the kids workbooks, and the learning of five new states and capitals a day! And dad bought us a kit to start learning Spanish! We have soccer games and practices to get to and piano lessons starting up soon! No wonder I need to make a calendar just to keep everything straight!
This week did not go exactly according to plan however, we hit some of our intended destinations, but I am just going to give the excuse that this was the first week. so we are still trying to get into the swing of things. You should be happy to hear that I have much higher hopes for "Smashing Summer Week TWO!"
Free movies this week consisted of "Evan Almighty" and "Madagascar 2." We have gotten good at sneaking in treats, but I have already broken and sprang for popcorn. . . I love movie theatre popcorn!
After Cayden's soccer game on Thursday, we hit the Mall. Cayden finally got the opportunity to ride around on the little train they have chugging around the bottom floor.
K. . . that's all the pictures I have gotten. . no joke!
Along with our first week of babysitting. . . Me and Bonnie also started our first week of waking up at 5:30 am to go running. It never gets easier waking up at that time, and I get really sleepy by the end of the day, but once I finish each morning, it is a nice relief to know that my run is done for the day!
On early morning Sunday (early meaning 3 am early) I got a text from a friend of mine from Las Vegas telling me he had been in a motorcycle crash (yes the same motorcycle I was on just a few weeks ago-- eeek!) and was in a hospital that happens to be only about 70 miles north of Escondido. A brother of his drove down from Vegas, but having no other family or friends in the near vicinity, I packed up a little "hospital fun bag" and headed up there for the day. We chatted, and played some games, and had a fun little visit. He is pretty scratched up, very sore, and has a few broken ribs here and there, but seemed to be doing pretty good. :)
Now it is Monday morning, and I am once again packing up for "Legoland Monday." No worries. . . I have my camera!!
sooo busy! very impressive schedule. can't wait to see you all this week!
Youre too cool of an auntie! Thanks for making the kids summer great! Love you
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