60 minutes. . . think you can endure anything huh? Not so easy. . .
Several people have asked me to be more specific on what each workout consists of. Though I will not keep you informed everyday. . . I will give you a few examples of some of the classes I have attended. Keep in mind. . . some of it may not sound so tough- but its just one of those situations that you cannot fully comprehend until you are there. So you'll have to believe me when I say- it's tough!
Each day, we start with a mile run around the park. So on day one, upon finishing my mile, I was partnered up with a girl and we basically had to lift this long plastic pipe filled with rocks or sand (or something insanely heavy) back and forth over our heads from shoulder to shoulder. Then we had to hold it over our heads for seconds/minutes at a time. Then we (finally) got to drop the pipe and were down on our bellies for 10 push ups then onto our backs for 15 sit ups (yes- sit ups, NOT crunchies). Not too tragic huh? Till we repeat that set 15 times. . . yes 15 TIMES! Then we circled up and did a variety of ab exercises while he pulled a few people in at a time to lay on the ground and bench press a good ole bootcamp style log. Yup. . . I bench pressed a log.
Day 2 was cardio. We ran our mile, and then upon finishing, had to turn around and run back to find the last person, before getting to turn around and go back. When I got back, he had us in a circle doing jumping jacks, high knees, mountain climbers, etc etc. While we are doing that, he is explaining a 5 pt course where we would run sprint, then bear crawl, then sprint, then run backwards, then sprint from cone to cone to cone. Then you repeat. So we go right from our circle to doing that several times. I'm not good with distances, but the other end of the park is maybe the length of a football field?? So randomly he'd say- "sprint to the cement path!- and hurry!" (by that time nobody is really sprinting- but that's ok). Then you would come back and go right back into that 5 pt circuit. Then we lined up to do some sprinting, crab walk, and wheelbarrow relays. We did some suicides (basically more sprints) and randomly he would just say "sprint to the cement path- and hurry!" And off we'd go. (That happened probably 4 times throughout the workout).
The leg day was seriously the worst. We ran our mile and when we returned he had tires sitting out waiting for us. Picked up a tire and were told to hold it over our heads to do 150 squats. Yes- our warm up was 150 squats! When that was finished, you got to put the tire down, but did lunges until everyone else was finished. Then we circled up and did (2) squats, then some kind of minute long leg exercise then we did (4) squats, then some kind of minute long exercise. We continued that pattern til we were doing (36) then (38) then (40) squats. Then we were frog leaping up a hill doing a squat in between each leap and at the top of the hill we had to sit against the fence (no chair of course) for a minute or so.
Most days I don't know how I survive it. The thing about each day, is it is NON stop. He NEVER has even a 30 second break- you are running from activity to activity and there is always something to do next. It is exhausting!!
Currently, I can barely walk, barely sit down, and can hardly hold my arms up-- but I will forge on. . .