Monday, March 14, 2011

This morning I woke up and found a surprise on my porch. . .

It was my grocery shopping!!

Yes, this most definitely does sound like another groupon find.

Dad got it for me! I got to pick "farm fresh" healthy food to have delivered right on my porch.

I managed to find some of those not so healthy purchases they offer as well. :)

They deliver to my house Mondays at the weee hours of the morning. Wouldn't that be a fun treat to start my week off each week?

The food is kind of expensive though. . . so it probably won't happen.

Maybe every once in a while just for the fun of it.

Afterall. . . I am now an official winderfarm customer-- the "cool" ice bag proves it!

Thanks dad!


Bryan and Molly said...

yummy yummy! enjoy!

Jim and Lee said...

Looks Doogleicious!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I have always thought that would be fun to have.

Terry and Gail said...

I can only think of how I could use the extra time if Inever needed to go shopping. Love, Aunt Gail