Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dum dum dum!! (Scary music)

Just got back from my school's open house. Though these days are quite long, usually they are good days. We get to stay late at school (like I don't already do that), give all the parents a fun little run down on how the class works, answer questions, and then its all over. As the parents are leaving, they stop to tell me how much their child in enjoying my class, and how they think it will be a great year. That's when I usually realize that parents aren't really that scary afterall.
Tonight went a little different though. I had my unsmiling mom in the back. She asked a trillion questions, never nodded, smiled, or even glanced in a different direction, she just stared. Afterwards she requested a parent meeting with me. I tried to be my happy, kind self, but she would have none of that. It was very awkward. . . very cold. and when I asked if everything was alright, there was a definite hesitation before she replied that it's fine but she still wanted to see me.
I didn't buy that "fine" for a second. . .
I've never left an open house so uneasy. . . guess only time will tell what happens. . . 12 hours is what I got. . . our meeting is in the morning. Eeek . . . wish me luck!

On a side note: Doogle peed on my bed for the first time ever, then ate my pillow. Yeah. . . guess it's just one of those weeks!


Bonnie said...

:( oh sister I am sorry . . . .no worries, show her who is boss! Love you

Debi said...

AAHHHH!!! You know I am usually more scared of the teacher.....that lady seems scary! I feel for you. Let us know what happens! It will all be fine....even if she is a meany! Love Debi

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

can't wait for the update! hopefully you will come away injury free. :)

The Daytons said...

Oh my goodness! I'm sorry Shawna! You just stick up for yourself. My second year I had a mother like this. Everyone had warned me as noone wants her child in thier class. Anyway, it wasn't always fun but we got through. Good Luck! Keep us posted on what happens!

Terry and Gail said...

You can please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time but you can't please everyone all the time. Some people just like to be negative... how is the child. Does the child reflect that the mother is a terror or does the child duplicate the mother? What is wrong with parents? Certainly it would be easy to see that you are a hard worker and a caring person. Good luck and let us know what happens. Love, Aunt Gail