Another story that needs a little recapping. . .
Back in July, my vice principal came in and told me that she got a "disturbing" phone call. Turns out some high and mighty from the district office called the school and told them that they were threatening to pull me from my class like THAT day because my teaching license was expired. I calmly showed her my license which clearly stated that nothing was expiring until 2011 and 2012. So I called him back and got to listen to a whole lecture about how the district loses money if a teacher is not considered "highly qualified." And how I am lucky to even HAVE a job because if I was applying today, they so would not higher me because I am not highly qualified. . . bleh bleh bleh. Well. . . first of all- nobody ever told me what I needed to do to be "highly qualified," they gave me dates to have tests and classes taken by, but nobody ever said the sooner the better. Whatever.
Anywho. . . he was telling me all the things I needed to do, when finally he asked if I have my masters degree, which I do of course. Well. . . that makes things a whole lot simpler (suddenly he was actually pretty nice to me too). Show your transcripts to the state educational building and then this will all be taken care of. Easy as pie! Right.
Leave right after school to get to the state building way across town before closing. Check!
Nobody in line. Check!
Confusion on the paperwork. Am I adding something to my license, or am I removing a provision from it?
Ask the lady who tells me that I am adding something, and that it will cost me $50- money order only.
Rush to the bank, pay the fee, and get the money order. Check!
Back to the education building. . . lady tells me that you can't add a masters degree to a license.
Hmmm. . . but that's what I was told to do?
Who told you to do this?
Man at the district. . . . I explain exactly what he told me. She doesn't buy it.
Call my sister, who must break into my email, to get districts phone number. . Call the district man- he's in a board meeting. . . leave feeling a bit frustrated.
The next day I get to Email district guy. . . who calls me back. They told you wrong. . . you are removing a provision from your license. They should know that. Go back.
Leave right after work again to drive across city to get there on time.
Tell the (same) lady, the exact same thing and this time she just does it! Seriously? I was the only one there last week. . . I clearly stated what I needed to do and for what reason. Maybe I didn't use the exact right terminology but honestly, who knows about all this crap anyway?? You think they deal with this stuff all day every day, they would have known that is exactly what I was there for last time. I smile, give her all my stuff- and she shoves the check back at me. Apparently you don't need to pay to remove provisions from your license, just to add things.
While of course I am happy to not have to pay the $50, but now I get to go back to the bank with my money order (that I paid my fee for) basically write it out to myself, to put it all back into my account (minus the fee of course).
So annoying. . . and to think I have to actually renew my license next year. Better get started now if I want to get it done in time. People around here are seriously so unhelpful.
:( grrrrr. . . .come to California, I am sure it is way better! haha, not
Sorry, about the governmental red tape... seriously, people get off on giving others the run around. Love, Aunt Gail
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