Last week, a girl in my class told me that her and her family were going to California this week to go to Disneyland. She was pretty excited. . . but what kid wouldn't be, it's Disneyland! She reminded me of her trip the next day, and the next day, and the next day. I learned all about how much money they were taking, who gave them the money for the trip, which hotel they would be staying at, etc. etc. etc. Well, she wasn't at school on Tuesday, or Wednesday, and sure enough she was back today.
They went on all the rides. . . she had so much fun!
Then I opened up her homework folder and found a note from her mom.
"Dear Miss Kelly, Please excuse [my daughter] from school on Tuesday and Wednesday, we had a family emergency."
Uh yeah. . . an emergency trip to Disneyland. Serious people. . . your kids are nine. . . they tell me everything.
HA HA seriously so funny! cant get anything past you Shawna!
That is what is so great about teaching little kids in school or at church... if you let them they will tell you just about anything. YOu don't want to let the parents know how much their children tell you. That is your ace in the hole if you ever need it. Let the kids keep talking and the parents keep lying- like you would be hold the kid accountable for going on a family trip. That type of stuff is okay, right... Love, Aunt Gail (Hey, where is your ABC post?)
so dont lie to teachers?? haha Love you auntie shawna
I was a former elementary teacher too. Have the parents come in and stay after class. LOL
Very funny. I think you should let them know where she really was. Ha ha. Love Debi
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